Dear ARICSA member,

As I mentioned in a previous mailing, you have elected the ARICSA Executive Committee and we, in turn, have elected the President of the Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants (FAFICS), its vice presidents and representatives to the annual meetings and committees of the Pension Board. These representatives have been active in obtaining more information regarding the petition. The President of FAFICS, Linda Saputelli, has recently sent us a report on
the information she and her colleagues have obtained.

The report is too long to include directly here, but you can read it on our web site by following the link:
n.b. you will need to sign in with the usual userid and password

Regarding the petition that is currently circulating, initiated by the New York staff union, you are of course free to have your own opinion, but I will not be signing it. Many of the items mentioned in the petition are incorrect. There is no attempt being made to remove the Pension Fund from UN ethics and rules. And most importantly, the agreement being renegotiated between the UN and the Pension Fund does not change any of the investment practices or responsibilities. It is, however, disturbing that it has taken over a year for the revised agreement to reach consensus between the CEO of the Pension Fund, the UN Human Resources, and the staff.

We will continue to keep you updated on these issues as we move forward towards the annual meetings of the Pension Board and the FAFICS Council.

Best regards
Jerry Barton, President